09 December 2008

Trike, originally uploaded by StrudelMonkey.

well here we are ... 2008 is already coming to a close ... its a good time to reflect back on the past year and remember what it was that made this one unique ... here is my shot at doing just that and thinking back on my favorite travel moments of 2008 ... here goes!

10. After three years of not using our dive certifications, finally getting back in the water for some diving in the Philippines ... absolutely beautiful
9. Hiking through the hills around Suzhou as workers harvested tea leaves ... stopped at temples along the way ... wandered down through a small village where there was warm local beer waiting for us
Suzhou Dongshan
8. Experiencing the glitz & glamour of the Beijing Motor Show
Auto China 2008
7. Rented a car in Melbourne and drove the Great Ocean Road for a couple days ... stopping along the way to take in the amazing views and catch glimpses of koala bears
Bells Beach
6. The never ending hike on Laoshan outside of Qingdao ... great May holiday weekend with friends
Laoshan National Park
5. Travelled back to the US during July ... spent our anniversary cruising Old Mission Peninsula ... spending time at the lake with our nephew Matthew building the fort
Old Mission Peninsula
4. Literally freezing in Harbin (northern China) during the annual Snow & Ice Festival ... no amount of clothing layers or vodka could keep the cold out. amazing
Harbin Snow & Ice Festival
3. Waking up before dawn to make it down to Tiananmen Square to catch the sunrise flag-raising ceremony ... was the only 'laowei' in a crowd of thousands of patriotic Chinese
Flag Raising Ceremony
2. Night swimming in the Philippines ... so dark & peaceful ... a million miles away from Shanghai
White Beach
1. Climbing to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the pouring rain ... something I will never forget

Under the Bridge

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